Anouk De Clercq and
Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger
23.06 - 27.07.23
Writing with the voice of fur
I don’t even know where I end anymore
Curled up and almost invisible you are my heart of the night
A handful of dark
Descended to the bushes
Stepping to breed life
In the cracks of your birthright
A howling debt
To all disappointed
Bursting with the voice of fur, feather –
You hunt what I feel
Pull and bite open
Blood sunlight and floor
Through the small of you
I am dissolved back to beauty
More than trash, debris, gas, bodies, more than any other trace of ourselves we generate what we feel. We have generated a lot of loneliness and split from those we can now project it on; those we can now keep within the restraints of our longing. In Birdsong, Anouk De Clercq translates an avian psalm that will likely keep its talons in our ears long after they have melted over. In 21st Century Fox, Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger introduces the ultimate trickster fox that has seized our ability to define ourselves, dancing themself out of natural and legal confinement. Our language is a one-sided concept. Recognising and exploiting this, the artists bring us back to a space where life can just be – unstoppable and heartbreaking, as is within its birthright.
Monika Kalin
Artist: Anouk De Clercq & Sofia Albina Novikoff Unger
Curator: Vsevolod Kovalevskij
Text author: Monika Kalin
Special thanks to: Lukas Strolia and Steponas Jonaitis